Roumanian Rainbow

Very early, colorful bell peppers start out as ivory, turn persimmon orange, then finally mature to red. Fruit is typically in all 3 color stages at one time, making for a striking appearance in the garden. Peppers are 4 to 5 inches long and very sweet. Great production and continuous fruiting on short, compact plants. 60 days.

Orange Blaze Hybrid

Vigorous plants bear gorgeous 2 to 3-lobed peppers that turn bright orange quickly. The fruit is 3 to 4-inches long and 1 1/2-inches wide with a very sweet flavor, providing early harvests of delicious peppers just right for cutting into salads or for use in cooked dishes. Plants are vigorous and highly disease resistant. 65-70 days.

Golden Calwonder

Golden-yellow at full maturity, these peppers are thick-walled, meaty and really sweet and tasty. Square shaped fruits are about 4 inches long and wide, and grow upright on healthy plants, making harvesting easy. Expect great production and beautiful, very sweet tasting peppers, perfect for enjoying fresh, cooked, or stuffed. 73 days.

Giant Aconcagua

A pepper with flavor as sweet as apples. Oblong fruit grows up to a huge 12 inches long and is produced in great abundance. Delicious in salads, stuffed, stir-fried or roasted and peeled. Can be enjoyed at the light green stage, but is sweetest when fully ripened to red. 70 days.

Corno Verde

This is a long, fleshy pepper shaped like a bull’s horn, and very similar to Corno di Toro Red. Smooth, thick-walled fruit is 6 to 8 inches long and about 2 inches wide at the shoulder, then tapering to a blunt point. The peppers are sweet when still green, or can be left to ripen fully red. They are popular for roasting or grilling, but are equally good eaten fresh in salads. This hybrid offers increased yields, better uniformity and resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. 76 days.

California Wonder

High yields and extra-large fruit have made this probably the most popular open-pollinated bell pepper for market and home gardeners alike. Dark green peppers are mostly 4-lobed and blocky, about 4 1/2 inches long and 4 inches wide, with crisp, thick walls and sweet taste. Fruit eventually ripens to bright red. Tall plants are tobacco mosaic virus resistant and produce an abundance of peppers over a very long season. 75 days.

Time Bomb Hybrid

Hot cherry peppers start out dark green but turn to bright red when they are ready for harvest. Disease resistant plants produce abundant harvests of these round to slightly pointy peppers. With a Scoville rating just above 1000, these cherry peppers pack a pleasant heat that can be enjoyed as pickled peppers or as appetizers stuffed with cheese. 65 to 70 days.


4 inch long, slightly wrinkled peppers taper to a blunt, lobed end and are very popular for pickling. They have a mildly hot but exciting flavor and are commonly jarred for use in Greek salads and salad bars. Expect an abundant harvest. 62 days.

Habanero Red

This bright red version of Habanero is one hot pepper – a staggering 285,000 Scoville units! The fruit shape and size are much like the regular Habanero, wrinkled 1 inch to 1-1/2 inch long peppers with a tapered end. These peppers turn a brilliant red upon maturity and grow in abundance on 3-1/2 foot tall plants. Hot enough to suit even the most dedicated chile lover. 85 days.

Campeon Hybrid

Large to extra-large jalapeno produces high yields of uniform, smooth peppers with the classic jalapeno shape ending in blunt tips. Peppers have a high pungency rating and are reliably hot. Large, vigorous plants are widely adaptable to a variety of climates and highly resistant to Potato Y virus and Bacterial Spot races 0-3 and 7-8. 75 days.

Cajun Belle Hybrid

Awarded for its unique qualities and excellent performance, this variety offers miniature bell peppers with a spicy flavor that is a tasty blend of heat and sweet. Peppers are mostly 3-lobed, 2 inches wide and 3 inches long, turning from green to scarlet and finally to deep red. Expect abundant harvests of these peppers to use in salsas, Cajun cooking, or any recipe where you want a little kick. Compact plants are about 2 feet tall and wide, making them just right for optional container growing. 60 days.

Bhut Jolka

Also known as the Ghost Pepper, this is one of the hottest peppers in the world, bearing extremely hot red fruit about 2 ½ inches long. In 2007, Guiness World Book of Records named it the hottest pepper and listed it as 1,002,304 Scoville Units. It has since been surpassed, but it’s still plenty hot and should be handled with great care. Germination may take up to one month. 100 days to maturity.


When fresh and still green, these mildly hot, heart-shaped peppers are stuffed and made into chiles rellenos. When mature they are dark, rust red, richly flavored, and often dried and ground into chili powder. Peppers become 4 inches long, tapering to a blunt point. Wrinkled skin takes on even more character when dried. May be strung into long ropes or made into wreaths. 76 to 80 days.

Aneheim TMR

Also know as the ‘New Mexican Chile,’ this moderately pungent fruit is deep green, but turns red at full maturity. Very smooth peppers are 7-1/2 inches long and 2 inches wide and borne on tall, productive plants that offer good foliage cover for the fruit. Tobacco mosaic virus resistant. Excellent for canning, freezing or drying. 75 days.

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